Am I Sick With a Cold?

When you get sick, it always seems to be at the most inconvenient time. Life is busy, and no one has time to come down with an illness!

The fall and winter seasons are the most common times to get sick with the common cold, and a cold is the most common illness during this time. If you are sick, it is important to know what you are getting sick from so that you can seek the appropriate treatment. Having COVID-19 and flu tests run can help rule out these conditions that often have similar symptoms to a common cold.

Read on to learn from our AFC Urgent Care Easley team about how the common cold affects the body.

Where Did I Get My Cold From?

It is common for an adult to suffer through two to three colds each year, and each instance can actually be caused by a different coronavirus! If a viral infection settles in your nose or throat, those pesky cold symptoms can appear.

Most colds are minor and just cause you to feel unwell for a few days before resolving on their own. A typical cold progression usually runs its course within a week to 10 days. The symptoms listed below are classic indications of a cold.

Common Cold Indications

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Mild headache/body aches

Could My Illness Be More Than a Cold?

Colds usually have a pretty straightforward pattern and never progress enough to need medical attention. If your symptoms last longer than two weeks or gradually get worse instead of improving, it may be an indication of a different diagnosis.

Another symptom to watch out for that may indicate a different illness is a persistent fever. Fevers are not as common in adult colds as they are in children’s colds, so a fever usually means there is something else going on.

Diagnoses Accompanied By Fevers

  • COVID-19
  • Strep throat
  • Pneumonia
  • Influenza

We want you to feel better! If you think your recent illness requires an office visit, we would love to see you! Visit us at AFC Urgent Care Easley today.