Do Gastrointestinal Disease Symptoms Feel Severe?

A tummy ache is a tummy ache—we’ve all experienced them before. If your stomach starts to hurt, usually a little water and some antacids will do the trick. Is it possible, though, that a particularly painful stomachache is the sign of something more serious—something that could require actual medical attention, like a GI disease?

It’s possible, and our AFC Urgent Care Easley team further explains below.

What Is a GI Disease?

A gastrointestinal (GI) disease interferes with the digestive process and affects the gastrointestinal tract, which runs from the mouth to the anus.

While many GI diseases, like acid reflux or constipation, are not a huge cause for concern, some GI diseases, like colon cancer and liver disease, can obviously be much more serious. We’ve listed the most common GI disease symptoms below.

Common GI Disease Symptoms

  • Abdominal discomfort (bloating, pain or cramps)
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Acid reflux (heartburn)
  • Diarrhea, constipation (or sometimes both)
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty swallowing

Are GI Diseases Preventable?

They can be, but not all of them are. Many chronic GI diseases are genetic, which means that some people will be more prone to getting them no matter the type of lifestyle they live.

It is important to note, though, that eating healthy and staying regularly active are two of the best things you can generally do to lower your risk. We’ve explained why in the section below.

Ways to Prevent GI Diseases

  • Maintain a healthy diet. Add fiber, lower salt intake, drink lots of water and eat a variety of whole foods rather than processed foods.
  • Stay active. Getting at least 150 minutes per week of physical activity can put you on the right path to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Be wary of your medications. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs can cause digestive problems, so talk with your doctor about possible side effects and ask for a substitute if a medicine is causing GI issues.

Do you believe you maybe be experiencing gastrointestinal issues? If so, our AFC Urgent Care Easley team can help. Don’t hesitate to visit us today!